

Your Child is Unique, So Why This School?


Our Team

Our team is comprised of highly professional, experienced and dedicated Montessori qualified teachers. All staff members have Alberta Early Childhood certification, First Aid and CPR certification, and approved and valid Police and Vulnerable checks.

Our Mission

To provide every child with a unique learning experience in an environment of love, acceptance, peace and respect.

Our History

One World Montessori School, Edmonton was founded in 2003.


We Believe that

"To assist a child we must provide him with an environment which will enable him to develop freely. "

— Maria Montessori, Founder of Montessori Education



What’s in Our Name?

Our Philosophy.

Our name ‘One World’ is of symbolic significance. It is consistent with our aim of providing children with a global understanding of their place in our world. We believe that children are our greatest treasures and that they represent the future of our world. Our aim is therefore to provide a unique learning environment where children have the opportunity to develop their personalities, self-confidence and spirit. This in turn will enable them to grow up into secure and responsible citizens of our ‘One World’. Our school provides the foundation for children’s education that stimulates enthusiasm for learning and discovery, as well as develops independence, self-esteem, self-confidence, responsibility and self-motivation. We believe in treating children with respect, dignity and love, and emphasize our 4 codes of conduct – Respect, Responsibility, Kindness and Gratitude. These codes form part of our daily lessons in ‘Grace and Courtesy’.